March 21, 2025

  • Monitoring works start on Monday 24 March for four days

  • Lane closure and temporary traffic lights in place from 8am to 6pm


BEAR Scotland, working on behalf of Transport Scotland, will install bridge monitoring sensors on the A85 Kilchurn Bridge near Dalmally, adjacent to Kilchurn Castle car park.

The works will involve the installation of remote monitoring sensors on the bridge to inform future structural performance.

For the access and safety of workers and road users, a single lane closure with two-way temporary traffic lights will be in place from Monday 24 March for four days.

Works will be carried out between 8am and 6pm each day with works due to be completed by the evening of Thursday 27 March. The road will be open as normal at the end of each shift.

Emergency service vehicles will be able to pass through the site throughout the working period.

Ian Stewart, BEAR Scotland’s North West Operating Company Representative, said: “The installation of structural monitoring is essential for continuously assessing the health of the structure, ensuring the continued safety of road users for years to come.

“We would like to thank road users and local residents in advance for their patience and understanding.”

Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland on or X @trafficscotland or the mobile site