February 28, 2025

  • Overnight works for 15 nights commencing 7 March 2025

Overnight roadworks will be in place at M9 Junction 1B Winchburgh for 15 nights, commencing on Friday 7 March, to allow Transport Scotland’s operating company BEAR Scotland to replace joints in the bridge that carries the M9 motorway over the B8020.

The works will take place between the hours of 20:30 to 06:00 each night from 7 to 21 March, when traffic in both directions on the M9 will be diverted off the main carriageway at Junction 1B and then immediately back on again via the slip roads.

This diversion will add approximately one minute to affected journeys.

All traffic management will be removed outside of working hours.

David Bishop, BEAR Scotland’s Southeast Bridge Unit Manager, said: “It is essential for the safety of the workforce that we close the carriageway while these bridge joints are replaced, however the diversion is a short one and we’ve scheduled the works during overnight hours to minimise any disruption.

“We’ll do everything we can to complete the works as quickly and safely as possible, and to minimise the time that closures are in place.”

Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland at, or on X at @trafficscotland.

All work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling in the event of adverse conditions.