July 31, 2024

Befrienders Highland have received a £750 donation from BEAR Scotland to help them continue their fantastic work in tackling loneliness in isolated groups throughout the Highlands.
BEAR Scotland manage and maintain the trunk road network on behalf of Transport Scotland in the North West, covering the majority of the area where the charity operates.
Befrienders Highland have volunteers throughout the Highlands who support those experiencing mental illness and memory loss. Their dedicated unpaid carers help to reduce loneliness and social isolation, focusing on building confidence and self-esteem.
The charity offers a variety of services including a mental health recovery programme, distant befriending and group sessions. Group sessions encourage members to get together with people who share similar interests to take part in fun activities such as writing, going to the cinema, walking, and crafting.
Alison Campbell, Senior Coordinator at Befrienders Highland said: “Befrienders Highland are delighted to receive this support from BEAR Scotland.  As a small charity covering the whole of the Highlands, we rely on kind donations to keep our services going. This money will go towards supporting a friendship match which will include volunteer training and support, staff monitoring the friendship and basically helping someone to live their life better.”
Darren Donaldson, BEAR Scotland North West Bridges Engineer, nominated Befrienders Highland through the BEAR Scotland Regional Charity Initiative that allows all staff to nominate a charity within the network in which they operate.
Darren said: “I believe they are an incredible service, providing companionship to people on a human level, which is important in today’s technology focused world. My grandfather had dementia, which was a daunting illness, but my family were able to come together and support him until he passed away. Befrienders Highland help by providing friendship for people experiencing mental ill health. Helping those who might not have the ability to be supported by family is a noble cause and something which I think is very important in today’s society.”
Learn more about Befrienders Highland here:
  • Pictured left to right: Darren Donaldson, BEAR Scotland North West Bridges Engineer, Alison Campbell, Befrienders Highland Senior Coordinator.