June 4, 2024

A Dundee-based charity which aims to give marginalised people a route to employment has received a £750 donation from BEAR Scotland.

The Reconnection Project has received the donation to help those disconnected from society within Dundee and Arbroath using skills-based training workshops.

BEAR Scotland operates and maintains the A92 from Dundee to Arbroath.

The Reconnection Project works with people who are isolated from society due to addiction, mental health issues, or have been previously incarcerated gain the skills, confidence and workability to live normal lives again. Relying on donations, they believe that everyone should have a fair chance to work, regardless of where they have been and what they have gone though.

Throughout 2023, The Reconnection Project helped 25 people through their three different departments. With a community garden, a woodworking shed and an art and textile workshops they host a weekly market and café where they are able sell the things they make under the supervision of their seven volunteers.

Dave Dyson, The Reconnection Project Founder said: “We are very grateful for the money donated by BEAR Scotland, we will split it between our different departments and use it for materials like wood, paint and fabrics.”

Steven Farquharson, BEAR Scotland’s A92 DBFO Supervisor, nominated the charity to benefit from the road company’s Regional Charity Initiative. The BEAR Regional Charity Initiative encourages employees to nominate a charity or cause for funding that operates in the communities in which BEAR works.

  • Pictured left to right: Steven Farquharson, BEAR Scotland A92 Supervisor, Dave Dyson, The Reconnection Project Founder, Mark Parsons The Reconnection Project Garden Supervisor, Gary, Castle Huntly Volunteer, Derek Bremner, The Reconnection Project Woodworking Supervisor