October 3, 2022

  • Hard shoulder closure for five weeks, commencing 13 October 2022

Trunk road operating company BEAR Scotland is to replace over 2000 metres of boundary fence on the southbound M9 between the A9 Plean underpass and the railway line north of the M876, in an investment by Transport Scotland worth £96,000.

Vegetation clearance and fencing replacement work will begin on Thursday 13 October and is expected to continue for five weeks. Work will take place between 08:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Friday.

For the safety of workers and road users during the works, the hard shoulder on a section of the M9 southbound at Plean, south of Bannockburn, will be continually closed from 13 October to 15 November, or until the works are completed.

The works have been programmed after the bird nesting season, in order to limit the impact on local wildlife.

To reduce the project’s environmental impact, all existing fencing materials will be recycled.

Stakeholders including local landowners affected by the works have been contacted and informed of the scheme details in advance.

Tommy Deans, BEAR Scotland’s South East Network Manager, said: “These upgrades to the boundary fence along the M9 will improve safety for both road users and local communities.

“We’ll do all we can to complete the works as quickly and safely as possible and thank the public in advance for their patience and understanding.”

Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland on www.trafficscotland.org, twitter at @trafficscotland or the mobile site my.trafficscotland.org