Kincardine Bridge SPV Progress Image Gallery

Kincardine Bridge SPV Progress Image Gallery

January 2025

The demolition of the temporary bridge abutment

The removal of the remaining sheet piles

The removal of the temporary tubular foundation piles

Continued removal of the east working platform

The reinstatement of the east road embankment prior to hydro seeding and landscaping

December 2024

Footway surface fully reinstated

Demolition of the temporary falsework bearing pads

The removal of the proprietary temporary bridge units (1 of 2)

The removal of the proprietary temporary bridge units (2 of 2)

The removal of the east temporary working platform exposing the original saltmarsh

November 2024

Installation of through deck VRS, footway surfacing and original bridge lighting

Breakout/demolition of temporary support foundations for the beam & deck falsework

Milling out of the temporary bridge tie-in to enable re-alignment of the carriageway

Kincardine Bridge back in original alignment just over a year after the diversion was installed

Pilasters, parapet and footway during re-instatement works and prior to the temporary bridge removal

October 2024

The final deck span under construction, primarily the installation of the cope formwork and steel fixing of the main deck

The final deck span during concreting, which once finished will finalise the main superstructure

The original refurbished parapet panels are being re-instated in their original locations, inclusive of tie-in to newly constructed concrete pilasters

The new structural waterproofing has been applied to the bridge deck and footways and now awaits surfacing

The new southern piled viaduct of Kincardine Bridge is nearing completion with the finishing touches being applied – surfacing, expansion joints, white lining and electrical works

September 2024

The steel fixing of the new bridge deck continues in span 2 and span 3

The placement and compaction of material creating the new bank seat abutment and approach road

The steel fixing and shuttering of the span 5 beams and north diaphragm wall

Span 1 is being stripped of all supporting falsework whilst concurrently being partially waterproofed to enable topside works to progress

The installation of the combined kerb drainage units onto the newly waterproofed kerb line with the new ducting being placed in the footway

August 2024

The ongoing construction of the south abutment walls

Completed south abutment, including the installation of the back of wall drainage and partial application of waterproofing

Span 1 & 2 beams completed and awaiting installation of the deck supporting falsework

Ongoing construction of deck reinforcement cages

Concreting of span 1 deck slab & parapet copes

July 2024

Span 1 main support beams under construction

The concreting of the south end diaphragm wall, span 1 beams and pier 2 diaphragm

The construction of the span 3 beam and deck supporting falsework

The ongoing shutter removal from span 1, exposing the new reinforced concrete beams

The ongoing shuttering and steel fixing of the remaining spans

June 2024

Continued extraction of the sheet pile cofferdams with the final cofferdam removed on 7 June

The assembly of the temporary works system being used to support the beams and deck during construction

The north end diaphragm has been completed to the first fix level. The rest of the diaphragm will be completed once the connecting beams are in place

Each span consists of 5no. reinforced concrete beams, in this image we see one of the externals beams during construction

This image shows the intense amount of steel and supporting formwork required to construct a singular span of new cast in-situ reinforced concrete beams

May 2024

Glasgow and West of Scotland ICE Branch Site Visit

Excavation of the temporary working platform to enable the beam & deck supporting falsework to be installed utilising the old SPV propping system foundations

A 150t crawler crane is being used to remove the sheet pile cofferdams which surround the new bridge piers. The piles are extracted using a 5t hydraulic vibrating hammer and then removed from site

The image shows the concrete placement of the north end diaphragm wall utilising a concrete pump and access scaffolding

The cofferdam has been removed at the pier 2 location, allowing the pier 2 to be fully visible. The bitumen paint indicates where new ground level will be. The protruding steel “starter bars” will be used to tie the pier to the beams and deck

April 2024

South abutment base steel in position & being inspected by BEAR staff. Shuttering works are underway

South abutment base shutters removed and finishing works underway

Leaf Pier steel work complete and shuttering to be installed

Completed reinforced concrete leaf pier with below ground waterproofing installed

Concrete repair works at the existing Pier 6. Sprayed concrete is being used to re-apply concrete to the finished level

March 2024

First fix of south end diaphragm reinforcement

First fix of pier 2 pile cap steel inclusive of leaf pier starter bars

Excavation of cofferdams complete inclusive of blinding concrete placement

First section of south end diaphragm constructed

Break down of north end diaphragm piles to cut off level

Pier 2 pile cap complete with pier starter bars protruding

February 2024

80T crawler crane installing 26m sacrificial steel tubular piles via hydraulic vibrating hammer at the north diaphragm wall.

Bauer BG33 piling rig removing material from inside the sacrificial north diaphragm tubular piles to facilitate RC pile construction.

Excavation of Pier 2 cofferdam prior to installation of cofferdam bracing.

Pier 2 cofferdam excavated to first level and steel stability brace + edge protection installed.

Demolition of the remaining sections of old southern piled viaduct.

South abutment and diaphragm cofferdam excavated to depth, blinding poured, and steel reinforcement fixing underway.

January 2024

Continued construction of bored cast in situ foundation piles utilising a Bauer BG 33 Piling Rig.

Concreting of a bored cast in situ foundation pile (SD-01).

The case extraction tool shown is used to remove the temporary pile casings which act as formwork to support the excavation.

The Crane suspended vibrating hammer shown will be used to install the north diaphragm tubular piles.

The red object is a pile cropper which will be used to break down the excess concrete and expose the starter bars of the new foundation piles. The yellow object is a hydraulic hammer which will be used to break down and demolish any remaining piles from the original viaduct.

December 2023

The assembly of the crawler crane for permanent piling works.

Pier 2 cofferdam awaiting final set.

Piling Rig & Rig Attendant excavating a permanent pile location.

Steel reinforcement cage being inserted into the excavated pile.

Permanent pile being concreted, last stage of the piling construction sequence.

November 2023

Demolition and stripping of the old bridge surfacing, kerbs and footways.

Demolition of the southern piled viaduct

The footprint of the old southern piled viaduct being prepared for platform construction

Sheet piling underway to create cofferdams for the new bridge foundations

An example of a completed cofferdam

October 2023

BG 33 piling rig installing 5m casings to create the preliminary test pile.

Installation of 2no. reinforcement cages to create 1no. homogenous pile reinforcement cage.

The transition from temporary bridge to Kincardine Bridge using bespoke bearings and transition plates.

Preparatory works completed under full closure to enable switch to temporary bridge.

Temporary bridge fully operational and open to traffic.

September 2023

Temporary bridge supporting members during on site fabrications.

Removal of the existing steel parapet to enable temporary bridge tie-in works.

Removal of the concrete pilasters to enable temporary bridge tie-in works.

Installation of the first temporary bridge deck unit.

All temporary bridge deck units are in the final locations and are awaiting a final fix.

August 2023

The steel reinforcement cage and base formwork for the temporary bridge abutment prior to the concrete pour.

The completed temporary bridge abutment with all formwork removed.

Shows the installed sheet pile anchor wall, which gets tied into the temporary abutment and west face of the sheet pile cofferdam to enable the construction of the new permanent abutment.

The first set of the tubular bearing piles. All temporary piling works are complete as of the 1st of September 2023.