June 29, 2022

Primary 6 and 7 pupils from Lochleven High School were delighted to get the opportunity to work with the BEAR Scotland team by completing three of our four BEAR Cub Engineers Challenges. On-line, interactive sessions were delivered virtually using the eSgoil, DYW Live (Developing the Young Workforce) education programme with follow up materials and instructions provided by BEAR Scotland to teachers.

The pupils had the chance to identify and understand skills required for a career in engineering, had an introduction to structures and completed a bridge construction challenge and also discovered the importance of our drains and gullies, completing our water filter challenge.

Their teacher, Mrs McNeill, said “This was a fantastic STEM programme for our learners who loved having the opportunity to hear about different aspects of engineering and about BEAR Scotland. Completing the hands-on engineering construction challenges afterwards reinforced and developed their learning and understanding about what engineers do.”