Please be advised that surfacing improvements currently underway on the A82, between Ardvolich and Pulpit Rock, have been delayed due to poor weather. Works were due to be completed on 8 March, but are now expected to end at 5am on Wednesday 15 March 2023.
The works will take place between 8pm and 5am each night. No works are planned for Friday or Saturday nights.
To ensure the safety of road workers and motorists, the works will be undertaken under overnight road closures. This means the A82 will be closed in both directions at Tarbet and Crianlarich each work night. A signed diversion route will be in place via the A82, A85, A819 and A83, adding an additional 27 miles to journey time for road users travelling between Tarbet and Crianlarich.
The road will be open outside working hours to keep disruption to a minimum, however a speed restriction of 30mph will remain in place as traffic will be running over a temporary surface.
Real time journey information is available from Traffic Scotland on, or Twitter at @trafficscotland.